贝尔蒙特街, 伦敦西北1(Belmont Street, London NW1) 贝尔蒙特大道开发区, 贝尔法斯特-二月2016_1_(Belmont Avenue development site, Belfast - February 2016_1_) 采石场公园丁格尔湖, 什鲁斯伯里(The lake in the Dingle in Quarry Park, Shrewsbury) 1-8 克莱蒙特银行, 什鲁斯伯里(1-8 Claremont Bank...
“was founded in London in 1902 with its stated aim to ‘knit together, in a common bond of friendship, lovers of the great master of humour and pathos, Charles Dickens’, to spread the love of humanity, to campaign against those social evils that most concerned Dickens, and to assist in...