Bell 360 Invictus Bell 407 GXi Bell 429 Bell 505 16% Bell’s share of Textron 2021 revenues Bell is a leading supplier of helicopters and related spare parts and services. Bell is the pioneer of the revolutionary tiltrotor aircraft. Globally recognized for world-class customer service, innovatio...
This would include the 360 Invictus aircraft concept currently competing for a U.S. Army contract under the ongoing Future Attack Reconnaissance Aircraft procurement program. Bell is also competing within the U.S. Army’s Future Long Range Assault Aircraft procurement program, with its tiltrotor V-...
Bell is a leader in technology and innovation. Bell’s most recent wins include the Bell 360 Invictus and V-280 Valor being selected as finalists for the U.S. Army’s Future Attack Reconnaissance Aircraft (FARA) and Future Long Range Assault Aircraft (FLRAA) competitions. Bell recently unveile...
The Bell 407GXi for Municipal Enterprises was completed and delivered at Bell’s facility in Mirabel, Quebec. (Photo: Peter Handley) Bell Textron Inc. has delivered Canada’s first Bell 407GXi to Municipal Enterprises Limited, a subsidiary within the Municipal Group of Companies based in Bedford...