In Feminist theory: from margin to center, feminist theorist bell hooks questioned the existing feminist discourses during her time by pointing out the lack of a solid definition of feminism and the predominance of white, privileged feminists in the movement. Although several other feminist theorists...
"Feminism is a movement to end sexism, sexist exploitation, and oppression."女权主义是一场结束性别主义、性别剥削和压迫的运动. I love this definition, which I first offered more than 10 years ago in my book Feminist Theory: From Margin to Center. I love it because it so clearly states that...
所以对所有人都受用的女权(Feminism is for everybody: passionate politics),是永远站在边缘的(Feminist theory: from margin to center)。 “女权主义是一场结束性别主义(sexism)、性别剥削和压迫的运动。”bell hooks是这样定义女权主义的。所以在她看来,女权主义不是“公平”的追求特权的平等,也不是厌恶某一种...
established the bell hooks Institute in her honor (2014). She took her pen name from her maternal great-grandmother, Bell Blair Hooks, writing it in lower case, she said, to focus attention on her work, not her individual self. She was indicted into the Kentucky Writers Hall of Fame (...
“Living as we did — on the edge — we developed a particular way of seeing reality. We looked both from the outside in and from the inside out.” (from Feminist Theory: From Margin to Center by bell hooks, 2000)Literary influences...
Bell Hooks Feminist Theory Analysis In the Feminist Theory, bell hooks provide vivid examples and assertions on how mainstream feminism exclude the issues of women of color. Mainstream feminism in America pertains to the ideals of “white, middle-class privileged woman” as they “reinforce white ...
How does bell hooks define feminism? What is bell hooks' Feminist Theory about? How does bell hooks define feminist parenting? What does bell hooks mean by the oppositional gaze? What does bell hooks say about critical thinking? What does bell hooks say abou...
A Critical Analysis Of Sheryl Sandberg And Bell Hooks The first argument I’d like to point out is hooks’. This is her stabbing at her take on feminism. She says that “It almost seems as if Sandberg sees women’s lack of perseverance as more the problem than systematic inequality.” ...
Black women: shaping feminist theory Contents: Black women: shaping feminist theory -- Feminism: a movement to end sexist oppression -- The significance of feminist movement -- Sisterhood: political solidarity among women -- Men: comrades in struggle -- Changing perspective... B Hooks 被引量: ...
love existmorein andwhat shoulddois todie. any reality they only Asoneofthemostwell-knownfeminism theorists,BellHooks’theory a the Feminism.Theideaof contributeslotto ofAmerican development runs allofherworks.BellHooks’mainideaisthatthe self-subjectivitythrough constructionof meansblackwomenshouldresist...