So, if the penis is the bell, than the head is its end, also due to the likeness of a bell’s shape and the tip of a penis (glans). According to Green’s Dictionary of Slang, bell end has been used to refer to the head of the penis since the 1960s. Bell end continues to ... arouse sexually or bring someone to orgasm. ring the bell, to win; take the prize: The camera lingered on the face of the coach as it registered that her team had at last rung the bell. to succeed with or win over people: ...
Define bellhop. bellhop synonyms, bellhop pronunciation, bellhop translation, English dictionary definition of bellhop. n. A person employed by a hotel to assist guests, as by carrying luggage and doing errands. American Heritage® Dictionary of the En
The meaning of BELL COW is a cow with a bell attached to its neck; especially : a lead cow. How to use bell cow in a sentence.
When you use sound with this meaning, don't say 'the sound'. Don't use expressions such as 'much' or 'a lot of' with sound. Don't say, for example, 'There was a lot of sound'. Say 'There was a lot of noise'. Is that the wind making all that noise? Try not to make so...
was described and illustrated. The roller round which the rope winds and unwinds has four iron arms, each of which has a leaden poise or ball at the end, just like the end of an ordinary hand dumb-bell. This Knowle example is fixed in an attic and the rope passed through to a galle...
As his letters attest, le Carré was tormented by his own (long dead) father to the very end of his life. “I’ve made a life-obsession of my father’s incurable criminality,” he confided to his friend, novelist and former diplomat Alan Judd, in May 2019. The anarchic distress of ...