加拿大新斯科舍省电信运营商Bell Aliant日前宣布,正式启动“FibreOP 2.0”服务。新服务可为用户提供高达170Mbps的网速,以及先进的IPTV服务。 Bell Aliant今年年初宣布投资5500万加元(大约折合5500万美元)扩建其FibreOP FTTH网络。截止到今年上半年,公司FibreOP FTTH网络已覆盖加拿大大西洋省29.4万家庭与商业用户。 Bell Ali...
Bell Aliant Says Fibre Optic Network Bringing in Customers, Helping RevenuesBell Aliant says network making a difference--Bell Aliant Inc.'s network for its digital TV is...LaSalle, LuAnn
Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership and Bell Canada Introduction of a wholesale business fibre-to-the-node high-speed access service and an optional upstream speed 来自 crtc.gc.ca 喜欢 0 阅读量: 51 作者: RT Commission 摘要: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited ...
Bell Aliant to Continue on Growth Path Underpinned by Its Fibre Optic Network: Bell Aliant to Continue on Growth PathBell Aliant Inc. expects to stay on a path to growth in 2012 with higher revenues driven by its...LaSalle, LuAnn