As the only Central American country without a North Pacific Ocean coastline, exposure to the Caribbean Sea, inlets, lagoons and other bodies of water contribute to the nation’s welfare, tourism and fishing industries. Although important minerals like dolomite, barite, bauxite, cassite and gold h...
(Agouti paca; a relative of the guinea pig), called “royal rat” on many Belizean menus because the British press had objected to its being served to QueenElizabeth IIin 1985. Locally produced rum and beer are common, and rum is often mixed with coconut water. Soft drinks and fruit ...
Diving can trigger meditation, offer serenity, a silent respite from a noisy world, and you may be surprised by the number of respondents calling their diving escapes “cheaper than therapy” and those that said, “my cell phone never rings underwater!” No matter what you glean from diving...
Pick-up and drop-off from San Ignacio to Belize City International Airport (BZE), The Water taxi, or Municipal Airport are a regular shuttle drive. Choose a one-way or round-trip transfer to Dangriga or Hopkins in southern Belize. Experience the countryside while traveling on a p...
says katrina ancona, the wife of mcafee's partner in the water taxi business. "we kept telling him to get out." adonizio was also worried about mcafee's behavior. he had initially told her that the area was perfectly safe, but now she was surrounded by armed men. when she went to ...