First clear the old beliefs out of the way, THEN install new, empowering beliefs you want to enjoy. It’s that simple. Beliefs Reside In The Subconscious Mind If you want to change your beliefs, you have to work with themwhere they live.Your conscious mind isn’t the right tool for ma...
The participants first rated their beliefs about nuclear power support for nuclear power on a scale of 1 (not at all) to 7 (completely) and then read a short scenario about a war and were asked to list two ways that the outcome of the war could have turned out differently (...
I’ve found that making that investment has helped me with what I do now…because a false belief that people in the entertainment space have is that they don’t have to invest in themselves to be successful. If I hadn’t worked with Megan, I wouldn’t have worked through a LOT of sh...
We believe that help and support from within these communities by itself is not enough to tackle the emotional toll of conspiracy theories. Developing anxious feelings about encountering others who may believe these false ideas and beginning to avoid people outside one’s group could lead to other...
God is the kind of spiritual Parent I have longed for in my journey to love others like I want to be loved. How do you want to be loved by your parents? That is how God loves you! Resource and must read: Wm. Curtis Holtzen,The God Who Trust: A Relational Theology Of Divine Faith...
I have glorified you on the earth, having finished the work you have given me to do. So now, Father, glorify me at your side with the glory that I had alongside you before the world was. “I have made your name manifest* to the men whom you gave me out of the world. They were...
I cannot think of one case of something I’ve read on these imageboards that turned out to be substantively true. That is in contrast to a website likeWikileakswhere I cannot think of one case where information on that site has been proven to be illegitimate. ...
We believe that help and support from within these communities by itself is not enough to tackle the emotional toll of conspiracy theories. Developing anxious feelings about encountering others who may believe these false ideas and beginning to avoid people outside one’s group could lead to other...
The relevance of conditional spite turned out to be small, which may depend on the experimental parameters we used, and none of our key results depend on its inclusion in the model.20 Our key findings can be summarized as follows: 1. Individual beliefs on the level of reasoning of other ...
Chapter 11/ Lesson 2 6.7K Explore instincts, emotions, and thought processes as explained through behaviorism. Discover the characteristics of this school of thought, and how the Little Albert Experiment aimed to explain that instincts and emotions were conditioned respon...