This corresponds to what psychologists call the “just world hypothesis.” As per Melvin Lerner’s (1980) definition in his seminal study of this topic, “the “belief in a just world” is an attempt to capture in a phrase one of the ways, if not the way, that people come to terms ...
Modern Pagan groups differ considerably on sociocultural and political issues. Many groups welcome members of anygender,ethnicity, orsexual orientationand sometimes intertwine their religion with an activist commitment to progressive causes, such asfeminism. Other modern Pagan groups areethnicnationalist, ...
During the period of the Murder Act the executed body in a gibbet seems to have caught the imagination of writers to a greater degree than that of the body under dissection. This imbalance was largely reversed in the periods before and after this. Early modern writers were obsessed with the ...
Marcus Moziah Garvey was an activist, Black nationalist, and leader of the Pan-Africanism movement. Marcus Garvey's philosophy and organizations combined religious components with political and economic characteristics. Why did Marcus Garvey's movement fail? While Garvey had many supporters, many Black...
the foundational beliefs of the Black nationalist movement in America. Fanon's writings have been inspirational in decolonization efforts worldwide.Black Skin, White Maskswas published in 1952 and discussed language, Black identity and analyzed the elements of trauma that impacted Black existence under ...
He was the son of a homemaker and a Baptist minister, who was a vocal supporter of Marcus Garvey--a controversial Black Nationalist leader. His father's civil rights activism was Malcolm's first experience with such activism and the danger and trouble that such involvement can cause. His ...
In the long run we may have to see how we could improve the cognitive skills of our ppl so thst they don’t fall victims to these various elements. Initiatives required may be multifaceted. For example ensuring good obstetric care to promotion of early childhood care and development (ECCD...
The LPDR has added little to this stock of national markers. A nationalist movement was encouraged by the French during World War II, and became an independence movement, the Lao Issara. This movement is a claimed by both Communists and anti-Communists. The current regime claims to be the ...
The anticolonial war ended after Portuguese soldiers, tired of war in the colonial territories, staged a coup in Portugal in 1974. On 11 November 1975, Angola became an independent country. Before that date, fighting had broken out between the three major nationalist parties: the National Front...
The 1940s saw the dawn of the cold war: the Soviet blockade of Berlin, Mao's victory over the Nationalists in China, discoveries and accusations of espionage, and, in September 1949, evidence that the Russians had tested their own bomb. Major General Curtis LeMay, head of the newly formed...