This church introduced four written sources as spiritual and divine reference of Anglicans as: 1- Holly book, 2Three catholic creeds (the Apostles' and Nicene creeds, the Athanasian Creed). 3- Thirty Nine articles (this is an important document in determining the beliefs of Anglican Church),...
on which the belief of the Anglican Church is based. Episcopalians [???] in modern America include a high proportion of people with well paid jobs and considering themselves of rather high social status. This group is rather outside the main stream of Protestantism. The Nine million Lutheran...
Baptismis considered to be one of the two sacraments of the Anglican church. AnglicanBaptismhas drastically developed through the course of time. Anglicanbaptismhas been developed from Christianity’sbeliefofbaptism.Baptismis considered a highly important sacrament as it is the first step in order for...
The Roman Catholic Church experienced another rupture about five hundred years later during the Reformations. The Protestant reformers (Lutherans, Anglicans, and the Reformed) and the Radical Reformers (Anabaptists) disagreed with the Pope and his allies over issues of authority, Scripture, soteriolo...
The ascent of King Charles I in 1626 led to the persecution of certain Protestant sects by the Anglican Church of England. Puritans fled in large numbers beginning in 1630: One of the first of these included John Winthrop, future governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony. Cotton was questioned...
"Catholic" without full communion with the Pope are the Ancient Catholic Church, the Old Catholic Church, the Liberal Catholic Church, the Chinese Patriotic Catholic Association, similar groups among Filipinos and Poles, and some elements of Anglicanism ("High Church Anglicans" or "Anglo-Catholics"...
Church JohnCalvin •Believedinpredestination •ExpandedProtestantmovement KingHenryVIII •DismissedauthorityofthepopesinRome •Divorced,brokewiththeCatholicChurch FormedtheChurchofEngland ImmediateResults England ElizabethI –endedbloodshed –unitedBritishIslesundertheAnglican Church. ...
Roman Catholics recognize (admit) the supreme holy authority of the Pope in Rome and of the church or priesthood in general, but the Anglican Church relies more on the Bible. Concerning the Holy Communion, 圣餐礼Roman Catholics believe that the bread and wine actually become the body and ...
Jesus is the Messiah hoped for by the Jews, the heir to the throne of David. He reigns at the right hand of the Father with all authority and power forevermore. He is the hope of all mankind, their advocate and judge. Until he returns at the end of the world, the Church has the ...
John Wesley was an 18th-century Anglican cleric and theologian who, along with his brother Charles Wesley, founded Methodism. He is known for his powerful preaching, extensive writings, and the establishment of Methodist societies. What is John Wesley most known for?