the religious beliefs related to health, such as the God locus of health control scale or beliefs about the sanctity of the body, are related to preventive service use in this population. Although attendance is predictive of service use in unadjusted models, the association appears to be explaine...
that the predecessors of Bentley and Mill were hardly unaware of doubts about Christianity couched in scholarly terms; the difference is that they chose to engage the critics on the entire history of the Christian church and its beliefs, not on the specific issue of the history of the Bible....
Reports on controversy regarding the application of Trinity Western University to the British Columbia College of Teachers for permission to offer a complete degree to education students. The rejection of the application due to a Trinity Western policy requiring students to sign a statement of responsib...
TBN - Trinity Broadcasting Network Benny Hinn Ministries Kenneth Copeland Ministries Opar Home Welcome This site contains linked content that is intended to be helpful and to bless you. Where does Opar come from? Opar was my infant son’s word for rocket ships, apparently based on the sound th...
Within two years of the forming of the Assemblies of God (1914), one third of its ministers broke off in support of a new teaching that challenged its method of baptism and understanding of the Trinity. This group became today's Apostolic Pentecostals -- sometimes referred to as "Oneness,"...
Christ,theSonofGod,whoteachesusthrough theCatholicChurch.Inordertobesaved,all personswhohaveattainedtheuseofreason mustbelieveexplicitlythatGodexistsandthat herewardsthegoodandpunishesthewicked;in practicetheymustalsobelieveinthemysteries oftheBlessedTrinityandtheIncarnation. ...
What Is the Bible and Where Did it Come from? Important Central Catholic Beliefs to Know. Roman Catholics, the Eastern Orthodox, and Protestants share many core Christian beliefs, particularly with regard to the Trinity and the Incarnation, especially as they are addressed in the ancient ecumenical...
Catholics are Christian and they adhere to the teachings of the Pope and Catholic religious doctrine. Who do Catholics worship? Catholics worship the Christian God, who they see as consisting of the Trinity: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. In this way, Catholics are the same as ...
We believe that the Holy Spirit is a divine personality–the eternal third Person of the Trinity–who is now, throughout this Age of Grace, here present in the true Church, having been sent for the express purpose of revealing Christ Jesus to the members of the Church, that they may be...
Like most Christian traditions, the Baptist faith maintains belief in the mystery of the Trinity, one God in three persons: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Within the Pentecostal church, there is a significant division over the nature of the Trinity, with the majority of denominations...