In other words, “belief”is thefaithyou embrace; “belief” is the trust you hold on to at the bottom of your heart. We have belief, therefore we can experience a different kind of life .We have belief,so we can bring all thethings to a satisfactoryend. We have belief, hence we ...
Belief perseverance, also known as belief persistence, is the inability of people to change their own belief even upon receiving new information or facts that contradict or refute that belief. In other words, belief perseverance is the tendency of individuals to hold on to their beliefs even when...
10. In other words, there should be a clear boundary between religion and politics, reason and belief. 也就是说,在政治与宗教、理性与信仰之间,理应有一个明确清晰的界限,以宽容的精神将双方限制于各自的畛域之内,不得有所僭越。 11. I belief Cambodia is one of the poorest country in the world....
Swedish word "belief"(en övertygelse) occurs in sets:1000 mest använda substantiv på engelska 551 - 600 related words belief in Swedishgift in Swedishcoffee in Swedishmurder in Swedisheditor in Swedishegg in Swedishreview in Swedishspeed in Swedish other words beginning with "B" behave...
Belief, in other words, is a multifaceted psychological phenomenon. What, then, is a belief? What are the implications of these observations for psychologists in general, and developmentalists in particular? First, these examples indicate that researchers would do well to distinguish clearly among ...
murder in Luxembourgisheditor in Luxembourgishegg in Luxembourgishreview in Luxembourgishspeed in Luxembourgish other words beginning with "B" behave in Luxembourgishbehaviour in Luxembourgishbehind in Luxembourgishbelieve in Luxembourgishbell in Luxembourgishbelong in Luxembourgish belief in other ...
a child's belief in his parents. a religious tenet or tenets; religious creed or faith: the Christian belief. Synonyms:dogma,doctrine Discover More Other Words From pre be·lief noun su per·be·lief noun Discover More Word History and Origins ...
beliefin God/democracy 对上帝 / 民主的笃信 牛津词典 She acted in thebeliefthat she was doing good. 她这么做是因为她认定自己是在做好事。 牛津词典 Contrary to popularbelief(= in spite of what people may think) , he was not responsible for the tragedy. ...
In other words, he’s full of shit. – Prayer may not be very efficient when compared to celestial mechanics, but it surely holds its own vis-a-vis some parts of economics. –Paul Feyerabend True tragedy occurs when the idea of justice leads to the destruction of higher ...
In other words, only one in five respondents show a proclivity for believing in the wisdom of the crowd. However, within that low number, those with the Observant trait and the Feeling trait are most likely to accept a group consensus. Sentinels have the most trust in the crowd. To be ...