Belden connecte les personnes, les informations et les idées pour répondre non seulement à vos besoins en matière de réseau technique, mais aussi aux défis commerciaux plus larges qui les sous-tendent. Entrons en contact Un écosystème d’experts ...
Why Belden Helping organizations modernize & innovate mission-critical infrastructures for whatever comes next. Customers First Impacts that Matter Leading Capabilities Customers First Fail-safe, future-proof solutions engineered to deliver results well into the future Global network of certified partners ...
Belden connects people, information and ideas to address not only your technical network needs, but the broader business challenges behind them. Let's connect An ecosystem of experts Gain access to a network of talented engineers and best-in-class partners, working as one to solve your challenge...
Belden 释义 n. 百通;[人名] 贝尔登;[地名] [美国] 贝尔登 实用场景例句 全部 JackBeldenhad worked his way out as able - seaman and then jumped ship in Hong Kong. 而当年杰克·贝尔登出国的时候,却是当海员,一路做工,到了香港才离船上岸....
百通BELDEN 1505A 010(BLK)1000FT 305MTR RG59/U 音频视频同轴线 品牌:美国百通BELDEN 规格:百通BELDEN 1505A 芯数:1芯 导体:RG-59/U 20AWG(0.52平方,直径:0.81mm), 实心裸铜导体 芯线外皮:发泡高密度聚乙烯 双层屏蔽:铝箔屏蔽+加镀锡锡铜编织网屏蔽 护套:PVC 1505A RG-59/U,适于模拟和数字SDI/HDTV应...
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北京森垦科技发展有限公司为美国百通电线电缆公司(BeldenCDTInternatianal,INC)、百通赫思曼网络系统国际贸易(上海)有限公司中国区代理销售商。与美国百通公司有着长期的战略合作关系。并与2014年成功牵手SIEMENS西门子入驻天猫。 本公司自成立以来,拥有一批多年精通本行业业务的技术专业人员、产品营销和渠道管理人员,以及完善...