WORLD OF BEJO "Together with our customers and partners we actively explore market opportunities and innovative research methods. We stay close to nature to develop the best vegetable seeds so growers around the world can harvest healthy, flavourful varieties for consumers to enjoy, today and in fi...
BEJO SEEDS INC. Careers Behind the Scenes with Bejo: Geneva Open Days 2024 Take a look at Behind the Scenes with Bejo! At the 2024 Bejo USA Open Days we focused on Bees… National Organic Standards Board Update: 2024 At the end of October, Chelsey Lenczyk Bejo USA's Organic Lead and...
荷兰Bejo公司是一家专注于蔬菜种子育种的跨国企业,在全球种子行业中享有较高声誉。其中国总代理及分支机构致力于为国内市场提供专业化的农业解决方案和服务支持。 一、公司概况与核心业务 荷兰Bejo公司成立于荷兰,以蔬菜种子的研发、生产和销售为核心业务,覆盖专业种植领域。该公司以创新技术和高品质种子...
荷兰bejo艳紫胡萝卜种子紫人参七寸胡萝卜种子春秋紫萝卜种籽 寿光市华诺种子经营部10年 回头率:6.6% 山东 寿光市 ¥160.00成交11袋 寿光蔬菜荷兰Bejo紫甘蓝种子普来米罗1112铁头紫甘蓝春秋2500粒 寿光市奥兴农业科技有限公司7年 回头率:13.5% 山东 寿光市 ...
Bejo,代表作《Rah Faan Al Kaber》 播放全选 01Lanny's Gift 02Dang Dut 03El Puto Amo de Casa (Explicit) 04Mucho (Explicit) 05Con To' (feat. Bejo)(Explicit) 06Gurififlay (Explicit) 07El Ventilador 08Mango (Explicit) 09Sílaba Tónica R.I.P. (Explicit) ...
Bejo: B-Mox seed enhancing formula - now also for warmer climates Date:Sep. 20, 2018 After many years of testing, trialing and adjusting of recipes, we were pleased to introduce B-Mox seed enhancing formula to the market over the past few years... Bejo introduces new sustainable seed coa...
very suitable for eating raw. The flesh of the Kohlrabi bulb is juicy and crunchy, with a mild, melon-like fragrance and a mild, sweet flavour. Cut Kohlrabi does not discolour, which is why the product is excellent as a ready-made product, such as the snack stick that Bejo introduces....
服务项: 1401贵重金属合金; 1402首饰盒; 1403钥匙圈(小饰物或短链饰物); 1404电子万年台历、电子钟表、计时器(手表)、闹钟、手表、语言报时钟、钟; 基本信息 商标名称佰吉嘉物 BEJO 申请号9079406国际分类14类-珠宝钟表商标分类表 商标状态商标无效申请日期暂无 ...
荷兰bejo艳紫胡萝卜原包装五万粒种子 供货时间 12月 储存条件 冷藏 品种名称:艳紫胡萝卜 包装规格:原包装5万粒 繁育单位:荷兰bejo种子公司 特种特性: 荷兰引进紫胡萝卜中晚熟品种,胡萝卜紫黑色,心株紫色,偶见黄色,生育期播种后135天,根据当地气候条件增施磷钾肥,适时播种,防止先期抽苔,苗期注意保湿,及时防治...