Bejeweled Blitz before. No problem. Our interactive tutorial quickly walks you through the basics to get you ready for all the gem-matching puzzle action. Plus, new users get 100, 000 Coins free to help get you started. AMAZING SOUND AND GRAPHICS. Feast your eyes and ears on diamond-sharp...
Bejeweled Blitz评分及评论 3.1(满分 5 分) 120 个评分 Qostik,2023/12/04 Pay to play It’s 100% a pay to win. I tried the game one day. To make big score and level up, you need to equip special gems. As new player you have to buy with golds. You gain around 700 golds per ga...
Bejeweled BlitzRatings and Reviews 3.0out of 5 10.5K Ratings
英文名称: Bejeweled Blitz 游戏类型: PUZ 益智类游戏 资源格式: 压缩包 版本: v1.06.4034破解版 发...
Got enough coins and gems to last for days. Playing Blitz Champions matches now are no challenge. Last night I beat the 2nd place player in Gold Masters and Mystery Monday by nearly 300,000 each. Where’s the challenge? A new player clearly (if dedicated) would need to spend money or ...
I am very disappointed. After playing for so many years, this upgrade of the game is unstable. The game could not load for days, had to uninstall and reinstall with having to lose all my gems and coins. After the reinstall, it could not even load with Facebook. Very disappointed. ...