D说是因为他把宗教看作精神生活.这与文中的“As to living a spiritual life,he never tackled that problem.”一句的意思不符。C说因为他认为只要宗教不干涉他的 生活,宗教是可以接受的。这样的意思可在文中多处找到,如:On the other hand he never allowed churches—or banks—to dictate to him./......
then I add no new predicate to the concept of God, but only posit the subject in itself with...
存在论的暴力三、 路德与列维纳斯的交汇:唯名论在现象学中的复活四、 结语一、 偶像(idol)与圣像(icon)可以说,马里翁在《god without being》中的全部论述都是借由对偶像和圣像的区分展开的,因而这两个概念也是此书最为核心的术语。但
关键词:存在、上帝、爱、关注目光一尽管《无需存在的上帝》(Godwithout Being)不是马里翁的第一部著作,但却堪称是他的哲学和神学思考的真正开端。在这部文集形式的著作中,马里翁第一次清晰地阐述了他的一系列标志性的哲学和神学思想观点,如馈赠(gift)、被给予性(givenness)、饱和(saturation)、溢出(excess)和爱(...
“ancestor”itself, made up of two characters 祖 and 宗, the former being a blending of the supreme, an altar and a memorial tablet of the deceased and the latter a blending of the supreme, an altar and a house. ...
The activities in which participants engage serve not only as a means of keeping themselves occupied but also as a way to maintain hope. For some participants, entertainment is essential in keeping their spirit and in turn, their hopes up, with hope being in itself a form of resilience mechan...
aTo be alive -- is Power -- Existence -- in itself -- Without a further function -- Omnipotence -- Enough -- To be alive -- and Will! 'Tis able as a God -- The Maker -- of Ourselves -- be what -- Such being Finitude! 活 -- 是力量 -- 存在 -- 本身 -- 没有一个进一步...
we defined consciousness as “a being for whom in its being there is a question of its being, insofar as this being implies a being other than itself.” 自为最深刻的意义:是自身的虚无 we have grasped the for-itself’s innermost meaning, as the foundation of its own nothingness. 既然自在...