And while it’s not what anyone would consider to be a typical Christmas song, there were several elements within it that declared the truths of the Christmas message, and also the wonder of God the Son coming down into our midst and taking on flesh and bone in order to dwell among us ...
25 To the faithful, You show Yourself faithful. To those without blame, You show Yourself without blame. 26 With the pure, You show Yourself pure. With the sinful You show Yourself to be against them. 27 You save those who are suffering, but You bring low those who have pride in ...
22. “Never be afraid totrustan unknown future to a known God.”―Corrie ten Boom 23. “Choose faith instead of fear, and life will become a lot more fun.”– Dave Willis 24. “Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies.”–Mother Teresa 25. “None ...
Tozer further notes, “Justice is not something that God has. Justice is something that God is… God is love and just as God is love, God is justice … We must remember that justice is not something outside of God to which God must conform. Nothing ever requires God to do anything… ...
walking your own path means thatyou might be REJECTED by others.You might be gossiped about, thought of in disparaging ways (e.g., as a “kook,”“oddball,”“idiot”), and outright alienated or estranged from other people. Sometimes those people who reject you are those closest to you...
While there is a hell, the wicked shall be scourged enough; and while there is eternity, they shall lie there long enough; and God will abundantly compensate the faithful service of his people. They shall have their white robes and crowns. 'Verily there is a reward for the righteous: ...
Jesus reveals that a relatively small number, a “little flock,” of faithful humans will be doing so. Yezu me monisa nde bantu fioti, disongidila “kimvuka ya fioti” ya bantu ya kwikama ta sosa Kimfumu. jw2019 Countless dead humans will be resurrected to Paradise. • Bantu min...
Back to the exam room at the eye specialist… I look across at Dennis and marvel at the beautiful and faithful way he has supported me over the past few years as I’ve dealt with retinopathy complications. First, he drove through the night to get me to the eye doctor in July 2022 whe...
Remember who God is! Remember what he has done! How? Through his Word! Also look to your Christian experience…remember how the Lord has seen you through past trials, how he has shown Himself faithful. Have you forgotten His steadfast mercy and grace?
There’s this beautiful duality of being human. You were created to do great things. YOU CAN DO great things! BUT! You were also created for partnership with God and community. Meaning you cannot do it all alone. You simply were not designed for it. No one expects a chair to drive do...