求翻译:(b) on being charged with the offence or officially informed that he might be prosecuted for it, failed to mention any such fact,是什么意思?待解决 悬赏分:1 - 离问题结束还有 (b) on being charged with the offence or officially informed that he might be prosecuted for it, failed t...
After retracting her complaint, the girl was charged with knowingly making a false allegation, for which the Cypriot criminal law provides of a sentence of up to one year in jail. The judge said that this was a serious offence, noting that 12 individuals were briefly detained as a result of...
Everyone charged with a penal offence has the right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law in a public trial at which he has had all the guarantees necessary for his defence . Awbody chairged wi a penal faut hes the richt tae be thocht innocent til pruved guilty...
the person arrested shall be released either on bail or without bail, unless the custody officer has reasonable grounds for believing that his detention withoutbeing charged isnecessary to secure preserve evidence relating to an offence for which he is under arrest or to obtain such evidence by qu...
detention withoutbeingchargedis necessarytosecure preserve evidence relating to an offence for [...] hkreform.gov.hk hkreform.gov.hk [...] 交保釋放或無保釋放,除非監管人員有合理的理由 相信,未予起 訴而拘 留該人是必 需的 ,以求 獲取或保 存關於被 ...
be punished for being related to or friendly with sb. who has committed an offenceimplicate others related to the one charged or found guilty 连坐汉英翻译 [旧] be punished for being related to or friendly with sb. who has committed an offence ...
they were working for a British company in Britain at the time of the alleged offence and the alleged victim is a British bank; they have already given their account of events to British authorities who decided not to take any action against them.But now they are being sent to an America...
@jameson1 very unlikely he will get jail time if 1st offence,? If he persists to breach this order he will eventually get 6 months, as a taster, courts view breaches as a 1 / 2 fingers salute upto them Quote Thanks Add post Share Report Bookmark Judged...
“Wandering with intent to commit an arrestable offence.” he said. “What offence?” I asked. “Theft.” he said. “Theft of what?” I asked. “Milk bottles,” he said, and with a perfectly straight face too! “Oh,” I said. It turned out there had been a lot of pet...
Sikhala appeared before magistrate Stanford Mambanje, who dismissed his application for refusal of remand. The magistrate said the State had shown reasonable suspicion that the accused committed an offence. The matter was postponed to today for continuation of the defence's submissions. ...