Perhaps the biggest disadvantage of taking an online class is the absence of face-to-face interaction between the teacher and their students.Live sessions are infrequent and are often scheduled during the middle of the day when students have to attend other classes or work.The ...
The findings pointed out that the participants negotiated their emerging teacher identities through teacher education courses and internship in three main ways: (a) they negotiated who they aspire to become as an ESOL practitioner as they set and revised their priorities in serving ELLs, (b) they...
As soon as you sign up, we'll send you an email that can forwarded forwarded to staff. They can then enrol in their courses instantly and start learning! Support EmailPhone Support Online Wellbeing Courses for Staff Pricing Pricing Plans One-Off Fee Online Wellbeing Courses for Staff pricing...
We make it easy for your whole school community to benefit from cutting-edge Educational Neuroscience, or Mind-Brain Education, which is at the very forefront of the future of education. Taught by an actual teacher, with a decade of experience, using countless practical examples you can use im...
Being Your Grand Self Online Programretrains your brain by taking you into Theta, Alpha, and evenGamma brainwaves,the ideal state to reprogram yourself in a matter of minutes,proven by science. The Biology Of Belief Physicist, Dr. Hayward, states that your behaviour is an effect of your core...
Mathematics teacher education is often described in terms of the mathematical content and pedagogy that teachers need. However, recent calls for equity in
As an International psychic, channel, empath, crystal and energy healer, Lemurian elder has been offering Teaching and Teacher Training since 2014 She teaches globally whilst living in the heart of Australia’s crystalline territory.Read her full story ...
Every student comes under the teacher's watchful eye. All the time. But the real reason that you can teach more in a private high school classroom is that your students are there because they want to learn. There is absolutely no stigma to being smart or wanting to learn when you attend...
All of the courses require enrolment keys to access them. To obtain an enrolment key teachers need to register their school. Previous Next Interested in being part of our research trials? Click here The Centre of Research Excellence in Mental Health and Substance Use received the Rotary Health ...
My relationship coaching and midlife mentoring is also part of my purpose. I see myself as a teacher and, dare I say it, an elder (yes, I’m getting on a bit) – someone with a treasure chest of life experience that can be valuable to others who might be navigating the same choppy...