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Debriae got contact information for the Florida broker, but when he called, the office said the agent no longer worked there. He filed a complaint with the federal marketplace and canceled the plan. But he still owed the IRS part of the $2,445 in premium tax credits paid to the insurer...
Need help with your real estate needs? Call ME! I offer service for all cities within Polk County and all types of homes, lands, commercial buildings, investment properties and much more! Stacey Towns, Realtor, Owner, Broker Direct Phone: 863-557-3034 | Sold@StaceyTowns.com...
According to Davidson, Howard and Rodriguez worked out a deal for AMI to buy Stormy Daniels’ story for $120,000, but AMI backed out at the last moment. Howard suggested that Rodriguez reach out to Cohen to broker the deal, but she refused. Rodriguez instead asked Davidson to contact Cohen...
either. She’s going to bust the company, so she wants Eager Teacher to dump his stocks. He insists that you don’t dump them – you sell them, and that means sticking someone else with the consequences, which he can’t live with. Listen, I’m not a stock broker, but can’t you...
Adam Bercowicz, a licensed independent broker in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, said he and his staff worked New Year's Eve, monitoring their client lists and watching as some were switched before their eyes. "If I saw one of my clients was stolen from me at, let's say, 11:57 p.m., I...