京东石林峡位于北京市平谷县黄松峪乡,距北京85公里,景区占地12平方公里,因地处京东且谷内山峰挺立峭拔,宛若片片石林而得名。 石林峡谷内景观秀丽奇伟,以“六大景”被人们广为称道: 一曰: 谷内山峰峭拔、根根直立,如座座石林,有诗赞曰:“早知石林生南国,至此方知读书浅”; 二曰 九天飞瀑,为四级瀑布,最高一级...
Plan your Beijing excursion to escape the bustle and hustle of city life? The Shilinxia Scenic Area is a good destination out of Beijing city to touch the unique stone and rock formations in a 6-km long valley or gorge. With the newly opened glas...
Beijing Private Tour to Shilinxia Cantilever Viewing Platform with Cable Car ride Full-day Tours from $228.00 per adult (price varies by group size) Private Transfer from Beijing to Shilingxia Scenic Area from $88.00 per adult (price varies by group siz...
京东石林峡旅游区特色: 遍布的苍松翠柏千姿百态,宛如座座盆景,浓荫蔽日。 2025年1月20日 星期一 农历腊月廿一最近更新: 09:31 -1℃最低-3℃ - 最高 8℃ 晴 风向:西南风 降水量:0.00mm 风速:10km/h 相对湿度:32%rh 京东石林峡旅游区特色: 遍布的苍松翠柏千姿百态,宛如座座盆景,浓荫蔽日。 北京京东石林...