超想案例 | 北京科兴生物有限公司发表时间:2022-06-01 11:22首页 服务热线: 400-119-8133(08:00-23:00) 公司介绍 产品中心 智能解决方案 案例分享 资讯中心 联系我们 微信公众号 微信小商城 ©2025 中山超想光电科技有限公司 版权所有 粤ICP备18115421号 | 本站支持 ...
Beijing Kexing Biological Products Co., Ltd. (SINOVAC BIOTECH CO., LTD.) is a biotechnology high tech enterprise jointly established by Kexing Holdings (Hongkong) Limited (Sinovac Biotech) (Hong Kong) Ltd. and Beijing Peking University unnamed bio engineering Refco Group Ltd. In 2001, the compan...
北京科兴 21 岁就成功分离出了甲肝病毒株的尹卫东,谈起自己为何从普通大夫成长成北京科兴生物总经理时,他说:“当一个名医生,穷其一生能治好多少病人?而一个疫苗,一下子就可以让数千万人免于病痛。”走出实验室才能走进千家万户1988 年的上海甲肝疫情的爆发让他意识到,只有真正让研究成果变成切切实实的疫苗,人们...
Tiantai helped Youran Dairy conduct the declaration of the anti-monopoly review of concentration of business operators regarding the acquisition project of 58.36% equity in Saikexing Group. A few days ago, the project has received the decision of non-prohibit based on anti-monopoly review, which m...
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