Behringer X Air XR18 18-channel Tablet-Controlled Digital MixerReviews 18-ch, 12-bus Rackmount Digital Mixer for iPad/Android Tablets with 16 Gain-programmable Midas Preamps, Integrated Wi-Fi Module, and Multichannel USB Audio Interface
Xair Mixer|Unleash your creativity with the Behringer X Air XR18, a tablet-controlled digital mixer featuring 16 Midas-designed preamps, 40-bit floating-point DSP, and Wi-Fi connectivity for seamless remote control.
X AIR X18/XR1818-Channel, 12-Bus Digital Mixer for iPad/Android Tablets with 16 Programmable MIDAS Preamps, Integrated Wif i Module and Multi-Channel USB Audio Interface 阅读了该文档的用户还阅读了这些文档 440 p. 科音KORG Pa5X_编曲键盘中文说明书 9 p. YAMAHA 雅马哈PSR-SX600_数码音乐工作...
X AIR XR18 TheBehringer X32completely changed the game by rethinking what is possible from a digital mixer – and over 100,000 users are enjoying the results. Now, that same technology has been incorporated into a small, but incredibly powerful, rack-mountable mixer that will forever change bo...
Behringer X AIR XR18 Rack Mixer 18 Channels Midas Preamps Integrated Wi-Fi router Stereo WAV recording interface X32 Effects Rack Real Time Analyser for all channels MIDI In/Out Height: 3 RU Dimensions: 333*149*14 mm Net Weight: 3.2 kg ...
Behringer X Air XR18 18-channel Tablet-Controlled Digital Mixer 18-ch, 12-bus Rackmount Digital Mixer for iPad/Android Tablets with 16 Gain-programmable Midas Preamps, Integrated Wi-Fi Module, and Multichannel USB Audio Interface $459.00
Behringerxr18|Enhance your audio mixing with our 6pcs Mixer Potentiometer Fader Cap set, compatible with Yamaha, Behringer, and Soundcraft. These fader caps are designed for 4mm inner hole audio volume adjusters.
Behringer百灵达X18用户手册用户手册产品说明书使用说明文档安装使用手册 使用说明书 XAIR XR18/X18/XR16/XR12 DigitalMixerSeriesforiPad/AndroidTabletswithProgrammableMIDASPreamps, IntegratedWifiModuleandUSB V1.0 2XAIR使用说明书 目录 重要的安全须知36.XAIRforAndroid20 法律声明36.1主视图20 保修条款36.2输入20 ...
Code Issues Pull requests Home Assistant integration for Behringer Digital Mixers eg (X32) mixer behringer x32 xair xr18 xr12 Updated Jan 27, 2025 Python RudyB24 / AutoHotKey_Bome_MIDI_2_Key Star 18 Code Issues Pull requests AutoHotKey script that reads incoming MIDI messages and transla...
产品型号X AIR XR12 货源所属商家已经过真实性核验 商品数量100 所属系列百灵达 关键词BEHRINGER百 数量-+ 产品信息 联系方式 BEHRINGER 百灵达 X AIR XR12 无线控制调音台 无线调音台 数字调音台 机架调音台 网络调音台 ipad air调音台 调音台接口箱 X AIR无线遥控数字调音台 百灵达X AIR无线遥控数字调音台 ...