I bought this specifically for use with my iPad only to find out that the XR18 doesn't play nice with iPads. Tech support only offered the tip to update firmware and operating systems and to watch Behringer videos ( none of that helped). The videos all say essentially " turn it on...
作为此款调音台的革新技术之一,X AIR 的增益共享技术能管理多达16个话筒。采用Dan Dugan自动混音系统,XR18 的增益共享技术能实时自动调控所有连接话筒的电平,无须任何额外的操作。 XR18实现自动混音 以往同时使用2个或以上话筒时,反馈噪声、录音噪声和滤波器噪音问题使人备受困扰,而XR18增益共享技术则能使你从此远离...