固件通过安装SYNTHTRIBE来更新: windows: https://mediadl.musictribe.com/download/software/behringer/synthTool/SYNTHTRIBE_V2.8.1-Windows.zip mac: https://mediadl.musictribe.com/download/software/behringer/synthTool/SYNTHTRIBE_V2.8.1-Mac.dmg 120W的蓝牙小精灵Gibbon AIR 近场监听音箱...
The TD‑3‑MO offers a nice selection of new patch points to play with, including control of the filter, activating Accent and Slide and running the synth via CV and Gate inputs. Of course, you can already play the TD‑3 via MIDI, but it’s great to keep it in the realms of...
Behringer D Model 电子合成器说明书
The Ultimate Synth! The SYSTEM 55 is an amazing tool for those who want the ultimate modular synthesizer capable of fully scoring that next cyberpunk or sci-fi movie from start to finish. This entire setup comes equipped with a 914 FIXED FILTER BANK which features 12 active bandpass filters...
固件通过安装SYNTHTRIBE来更新: windows: https://mediadl.musictribe.com/download/software/behringer/synthTool/SYNTHTRIBE_V2.8.1-Windows.zip mac: https://mediadl.musictribe.com/download/software/behringer/synthTool/SYNTHTRIBE_V2.8.1-Mac.dmg