E-GTR: 电子吉他 VOCAL: 人声和歌声 VALVE: 模拟信号特有的暖色音色 WARM + LIMITER (顺时针方向,从12 点钟开始): 在音量很大的时候, 或者有很多峰尖出现的情况下,您可以使用这些 预置。 在直接用麦克风对乐器 (如: 鼓)拾音时,使用这些预置, 可给音色添加暖色。 6 2. 控制元件 TUBE ULTRAGAIN MIC200 ...
I just snagged two Mic200 units and I´m quiet impressed by it´s sound for Di ussage with my bass, and the stock bugera 12ax7d tube inside. Now after tube change for a JJ12au7 with lower gain and noise factor this small micpre, soundselector on valve preset, brings me the ...
The ART TubeOpto8 is probably the closest match to the Behringer ADA 8200, with conversion to and from ADAT at base sample rates. It features eight valve mic preamps (two with instrument inputs) plus high-pass filter, phase and pad switches on every channel. Focusrite's OctoPre MKii provi...
Behringer has evidently tried to keep things compact. The series uses the company’sVirtual Tube Circuittechnology to give you tube-like tones without all the downsides of actual tubes.
I use one of these as a preamp between a Shure radio mic receiver and Canford Compact Power Amplifier. Works a treat to create a very small PA setup. by JuliaJuly 26, 2016 Great starting preamp Limiting function is really nice. Use high quality XLR cables and you will have no noise iss...