Behringer百灵达 BCR2000 快速指南.pdf,快速 启动 向导 (登陆 公司 网站 behringercom 查看 完整 说明书 ) B-CONTROL FADER BCF2000/AOTAARY BCR2000 FADER BCF2000 Total-Recall US9B/MIDI Controller with 8 Motorized Faders ROTARY BCR2000 Total-Recall USBVMIDI C
Behringer百灵达BCF2000英文说明书.pdf,User Manual B-CONTROL BCF2000/ BCR2000 FADER BCF2000 Total-Recall USB/MIDI Controller with 8 Motorized Faders ROTARY BCR2000 Total-Recall USB/MIDI Controller with 32 Illuminated Rotary Encoders 2 B-CONTROL FADER BCF20
The B-CONTROL FADER BCF2000-WH controller lets you be in full command of your music production software. The console’s USB connectivity enables control of all the audio software parameters on your computer and fits nicely into any studio environment or live electronic setup. ...
品牌:Behringer 型号:B-CONTROL FADER BCF2000-WH 价格: 未知 最后更新 2007 年 09 月 26 日产品详情 USB/MIDI 控制台,配有全面储存唤回功能和 8 个电动推杆。是BCF2000的白色纯洁版本。 B-CONTROL FADER BCF2000-WH主要特性: 独特的可串联数台的 MIDI 控制台,配有全面储存唤回功能,真实的手控感觉,用户...
Recent updates to the B-Control firmware (from v1.06 upwards) have introduced a handful of rather interesting control options — though at the moment, this applies to the BCF2000 only. By pressing the correct buttons during power-up, its possible to convince the BCF that it's a Mackie Cont...
behringer B-CONTROL FADER BCF2000-WH 说明书使用说明书 1 厂商:behringer 文件类型: PDF 文件大小: 0 KB 文件校验: B435E90BC303B6D0C29DE88FFA8AC034 上传时间: 2000-01-01 08:00:00 下载统计: 944 PDF链接:behringer B-CONTROL FADER BCF2000-WH 说明书使用说明书 PDF...
Config your Midi Interface. Go to Menu "Options\MidiDevices" and select your BCF2000 on the right (out deviced) an left side (in devices). Press ok, and turn any fader, encoder, button on the bcf. You should see hex data in the midi OX main window. If this is ok, follow the ...
BCF2000-WH BCH100 BCN44 BCR2000 BD440 BDI21 BDJ 1000 BEAT800 BEQ700 BG412F BG412H BG412S BG412V BH30 BH40 BH470 BH470-BK BH470NC BH470U BH480NC BH60 BIGFOOT BLE100 BLE400 BLM420 BO100 BO300 BO440 BOD100 BOD400 BODE FREQUENCY SHIFTER 1630 BRAINS BSY600 BT108 BT251-BK BTR20...