Travel and people-to-people exchanges across the Taiwan Straits were not always possible, but communication has long been possible through music. CGTN goes behind the scenes of a popular TV program, which tries to promote music exchanges across the Strai
Over 200 TV viewers have voted on the 10+ shows on Behind-The-Scenes Stories About TV's Most Famous 'Very Special Episodes'. Current Top 3: The 'ALF's Special ...
There are few sitcoms more beloved than Cheers. The show's behind-the-scenes secrets reveal a fascinating world that lent to the funny, timely ...
Film studies Behind the scenes| Understandings of school leadership from contemporary movies and TV shows NEW YORK UNIVERSITY Terry A. Astuto EddlemanStaciToday's principal must be an efficient manager of facilities and budgets; a human resources specialist; a testing expert and data analyst a ...
Juan Diego Flórez《Behind The Scenes》 节目简介 背后的故事 2012 播出:湖南卫视 / 芒果TV 主持人:张丹丹 / 李湘 / 何炅 地区:内地 类型:访谈/ 纪实 / 情感 简介:《背后的故事》是一档大型故事性情感类谈话节目,国内知名电视谈话节目主持人张丹丹、李湘、何炅担纲主持。
Scene Talk: Behind the Scenes (TV Mini Series) - Parents guide and Certifications from around the world.
We let you in on the little secret about how all of Samantha's magic really happened, and how without the help of stagehands the magic could never really …
Apple has released a behind-the-scenes video for its latest Apple TV show "Tiny World," showing how its film makers captured footage of extremely small creatures in their natural habitat.
Scene Talk: Behind the Scenes: With Aaliyah Butler, Kevin I. Little, Maya Jai Pinson, Denascia Salley.
As the behind-the-scenes documentary of the dance show, this TV series not only shows the origin of the well-known dance program, but also vividly demonstrates the work of authors, dancers, and artists in the ne...