- listed as a variant,lista-imion-wystepujacych-w-rejestrze-pesel-osoby-zyjace/resource/54110/table?page=1&per_page=20&q=Jessica&sort= - more ...
System D&D 5E Game System Publisher's blurb: Part 6 of Into the Pickleverse A call has been sent out for adventurers brave, adventurers daring, adventures charismatic and adventurers courageous enough to accept the call to embark on a voyage to Fortitude, the gate town of Arcadia. A Four-...
WikiMatrix Came a deep voice from behind them. Venis profunda voĉo de malantaŭ ili. Literature Armed Arabs appeared from behind the dune. Armitaj araboj rajdis el malantaŭ la montetoj. Literature A foot appeared from behind the steering wheel of the car, followed by another...
Lakes Jam has put up a lost and found on their Facebook page, with many of the items they recovered after the festival.
Sirius, the Nile Star The Egyptian goddess, Sopdet. (Image credit: Wikimedia Commons/ Jean-Pierre Dalbera) Sirius was very important to the ancient Egyptians. Each year in mid-August, it would be the first bright star to rise in the predawn sky, known as a heliacal rising. The timing...