Why, as Villiers de l’Isle-Adam said, do we go to the trouble of living rather than asking our servants to do it for us? Why do we criticize those who eat burgers on the couch, while life plays out its pointless drama on the screen? Get clear about these questions, and we can ...
1.) Michael Sofa/ Sectional – we love how clean the bench seats and thin cushions make this frame. Super plush seating also makes this frame a double threat, pretty & comfortable. 2.) The Retro Sofa/ Sectional – sleek and small in frame and only measuring 100 inches as a sectional, ...
Use a thin line of hot glue along the center back of the felt to attached it to the dress. To make the frothy headband, grab two of the smaller circles and glue them together with the headband running through the middle of it. This will be your base to build the straw and foam onto...
It was his own idea to call the autobiography "My Memories and What I Think" and the title would be as truly descriptive of the little book presented here. However, as it has perforce been narrowed to his youth, in the long look back from his seventies, we think he would have liked ...