“behind the bars”是一个英文短语,其直接翻译是“在监狱栅栏之后”,但更常用的含义是比喻某人因犯罪而被关进监狱,处于被监禁的状态。 二、用法与语境 正式语境:在正式语境中,“behind the bars”常用于描述犯罪者被法律制裁,关进监狱的情况。例如,当某人因严重犯罪被判刑时,可以说...
behind the bars 美 英 na.在监狱[禁闭室]中 网络关在牢里;被捕入狱;坐牢 英汉 英英 网络释义 na. 1. 在监狱[禁闭室]中
behind bars 关在监牢里 put behind bars 关起来, 监禁 have sb behind the bars 把某人送进监狱,监禁某人 behind in 误期,落后,耽搁,拖延 behind with 落后,拖延,耽搁 be behind with 拖欠拖延不能如期完成 no bars phr. 没有(手机、无线等的)信号 be behind 延迟, 落后 be behind in 拖欠...
behind the bars 英 释义 adv. 关在牢里 实用场景例句 全部 Now Ma and Laura saw herbehind the bars, waiting for them. 妈妈和劳拉看到它正站在栅栏门后等着她们. 互联网 She serves nearly a dozen yearsbehind the bars. 她在监狱里服刑近12年....
这两个貌似不起眼的小短语所表达的境界可要小心,也就是说,同样是在bar的后面,多一个the或少一个the,又有不同的上下文时,一个人的境遇可是天壤之别。不过,一般我们讲过强调一下,练习一下就不会再搞混。(be put) behind bars: 身陷囹圄,关进铁窗; 在押,坐牢。英文解释是To be arrested and ...
The meaning of BAR is a straight piece (as of wood or metal) that is longer than it is wide and has any of various uses (as for a lever, support, barrier, or fastening). How to use bar in a sentence.
behind the bars 读音:美英 behind the bars基本解释 关在监牢里 分词解释 behind(表示位置)在…的后面 bars马上的齿龈
behind the bars adv.关在牢里 behind bars 关在监牢里 put behind bars 关起来, 监禁 be behind sb(sth) 对某人或某事表示支持或赞同 behind sb's back 在(某人)背后, 背着(某人) behind sb.'s back adv.暗中,秘密地,在某人背后 have it in for sb 对某人怀恨在心,企图加害于… have it...
behind bars In prison. [Middle English barre, from Old French; see barre.] bar 2 (bär) n. A unit of pressure equal to one million (106) dynes per square centimeter. [Greek baros, weight; see gwerə- in Indo-European roots.] American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language...
Define put behind bars. put behind bars synonyms, put behind bars pronunciation, put behind bars translation, English dictionary definition of put behind bars. Verb 1. put behind bars - lock up or confine, in or as in a jail; "The suspects were imprisone