Originality/value ‐ Explicit theories of leadership (ELTs) and implicit theories of leadership (ILTs) have received varying amounts of attention in leadership research. Reading the leadership literature, the author finds little consideration of ELTs (explicit theories of leadership), most study and...
Leadership defines as a process of uses interpersonal skills toinfluence others to accomplish specific goals. Transformational and transactional was oneof the most recent and popular nursing leadership theories developed by James McGregorBurns (1978). This study aimed to assess the clinical teacher ...
Certain main effects, as expected, of leader behavior and group performance were also observed. Implications of these findings for those in leadership roles are discussed. and directions for future research are suggested. The emerging literature attests that theories of leadership have received ...
L3_Leadership Behaviour BU6008Leadership&ChangeManagement Session3LeadershipBehaviour/StyleApproach AimsandObjectives Aim:IntroduceandexaminetheorieswhichareassociatedwiththeLeadershipBehavioural/StyleapproachObjectives:–Gainawarenessofhowbehaviourdiffersfromtraits–Identifyandexploreearlybehaviouralstudiesandassesstheirimpacton...
Tannenbaum and Schmidt's Continuum is a highly significant body of work in the field of management and leadership. The material below offers a different perspective on the earlier narrative. It explores the model in the context of other leadership theories. Robert Tannenbaum and Warren Schmidt fir...
Theories of gender in organizations: A new approach to organizational analysis and change This chapter presents a framework for understanding gender and organizational change. We consider three traditional treatments of gender and discuss the limitations of each as a basis for organizational analysis and...
The trait theory is the most basic and one of the important theories of leadership. But these traits become meaningful only when they are reflected in the actual behaviour of the executive. The Bhagavad Gita, written more than five thousand years ago is not just a spiritual text; it is also...
Transformational leadershipwork interference with family conflictfamily supportive supervisor behaviourperceived organisational supportstructural equation modellingBased on transformational leadership and social support theories, we examined the direct effects of transformational and transactional leadership on work ...
This study aims to empirically examine the effect of altruistic leadership on knowledge hiding (KH) behaviour and the mediating role of leader–subordinate interaction on this relationship. On the basis of broaden-and-build and social exchange theories, a dual mediation mechanism of leader-triggered ...
(1954) in the USA. These studies established the importance of socioeconomic variables such as socioeconomic status, religion, age, and gender as determinants of voting behaviour. They also made clear the part played by ‘group pressures’ andOPINION LEADERSHIPas influences on voting behaviour. ...