1997. Spatial behaviour of the red fox (Vulpes vulpes) in a rural area of central Italy. Italian Journal of Zoology 64(4):351-358.Pandolfi M, Forconi P, Montecchiari L (1997) Spatial behaviour of the red fox (Vulpes vulpes) in a rural area of central Italy. Ital J Zool 64: 351-...
Guila Ganem1 & Frédéric Veyrunes1 Most sex differences in phenotype are controlled by gonadal hormones, but recent work on laboratory strain mice that present discordant chromosomal and gonadal sex showed that sex chromosome complement can have a direct influence on the establishment of sex-spe...
Habitat use and rang- ing behaviour of the red fox (Vulpes vulpes) in a Mediterranean rural area: is shelter availability a key factor? J. Zool. Lond. 237: 577-591.Lucherini M, Lovari S, Crema G (1995). Habitat use and ranging behavior of the red fox (Vulpes vulpes) in a ...
This study investigates the diurnal roosting behaviour of Pteropus medius , the only flying fox species in mainland India, within the semi-arid region of Kurukshetra district, Haryana (29.969掳 N and 76.878掳 E). Observations were conducted from April 2021 to March 2022, employing scan sampling ...
Sexual dimorphism in agonistic behaviour of domesticated animals has been studied previously, but there are only a few studies that provide evidence of whether sex differences have been fully conserved (e.g., [20, 21]). In domesticated species, the expression of aggression is influenced by ...
Early on in the COVID-19 pandemic, the importance of non-pharmaceutical individual protective measures became apparent (Dehning et al.,2020; Flaxman et al.,2020). Consequently, a lot of research has been published on correlates and predictors of such behaviour. In this section, we will give...
Two juvenile male red foxes exhibited stereotypic patterns of food-caching behaviour when moved into a dirt-floored pen from a concrete-floored run in which they had been raised since being removed from their natal den. The dominant animal did not prevent the subordinate fox from unearthing and/...
(think of a koala or a flying fox baking in a tree when the thermometer reads +45° in the shade). Just like you seeking those nice, air-conditioned spaces on a scorcher of a day, species like to move to where conditions are more acceptable to their particular physiologies and ...
Organizational Behaviour, 10th Edition by Dr Andrzej Huczynski, Prof David A Buchanan. Organizational Behaviour by Buchanan and Huczynski is one of the best established books in this field. The authors’ popular blend of social science
Accumulating evidence suggests that, independent of physical activity levels, sedentary behaviours are associated with increased risk of cardio-metabolic disease, all-cause mortality, and a variety of physiological and psychological problems. Therefore, the purpose of this systematic review is to determine...