Providers can engage in several actions to promote sufficient sleep, PA, and reduce sedentary behaviour among adults accessing care. For the present study, the terminology “adults accessing care” is used in place of “patients” as it is more inclusive and disaffirms a power dynamic with prov...
these goals typically relate to increasing the duration, frequency, or intensity of physical activity. The included studies employed various strategies for goal setting, including personalised goal setting and visual aids like charts, stickers, or progress trackers...
Medical charts were reviewed to confirm the lifetime history of actual suicide attempts. The BSS had an 83.5% accuracy in reporting single suicide attempts and 81.7% for multiple suicide attempts; while the C-SSRS had 84.1% and 83.9% accuracy respectively. This difference was not statistically ...
Half of all patients experience extra-motor conditions like behavioural changes (apathy, irritation), language impairment, or executive dysfunction, and 1 in 10 show signs of frontotemporal dementia [281]. As ALS unfolds, the assortative networks (between similar nodes) typical for a healthy ...
Iron dyshomeostasis is the common factor in different neurodegenerative diseases, such as AD, frontotemporal dementia (FTD) and Lewy body dementia. Iron promotes the aggregation and pathogenicity of the β-amyloid peptide, α-synuclein, TDP43 and tau protein [124,125,126]. Extracellular iron accum...