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However, the degree of students' disengagement from both universities was high compared to their engagement for online classes. Both university students' cognitive and behavioral engagement was moderate to strongly correlated with four domains of teaching style. Interestingly, there was no...
represent a better therapeutic option in cases where the realistic rendering is essential in eliciting intense emotions. Three hundred sixty-degree videos are furthermore easier, faster, and cheaper to create compared to other immersive technologies, which often require extensive technical knowledge and p...
and escape failures in the SB). Multicollinearity between selected measures was assessed using the Variance Inflation Factor (VIF) method, which identifies the correlation between variables and the strength of this correlation, indicating the degree of interdependence of these variables. VIF values above...
New Challenges in the Degree in Mathematics: Applications at Work José Fernández, Manuel Pulido, Francisco Esquembre Pages 61-64 View PDF Article preview select article Evaluation of the Open Course Ware Initiatives within the Scope of Digital Literacy Skills: Turkish Open CourseWare Consortium Case...
13, it is a pair-level (and thus unsigned) parameter, capturing the degree of closeness between the two estimates at the preceding trial over that before the interaction. The notation wi(Pre) stands for participant i’s estimation weight in the pre-interaction phase, and wp(Pre) for the...
Therefore, the subscale “Aggressive behavior” of the CBCL-DP was selected as the primary outcome, because it allows evaluating the degree of severity of aggression in children and adolescents [5] and is a good ED marker. ADHD represents a public health problem, because it has a significant ...
The distinct nature of their functions may result in a low degree of behavioral interdependence; concurrently, their collaboration might remain minimal due to the segregated nature of their operations. Conversely, an alliance of independent firms uniting for a singular promotional initiative may each ...
The home-rearing environment (HRE) is significantly related to preschoolers’ academic and behavioral development. Children’s screen time has become an increasingly important aspect of the family environment in today’s digital age. However, few studies