National Survey on Drug Use and Health. Table 5.6A—Alcohol use disorder in past year: among people aged 12 or older; by age group and demographic characteristics, numbers in thousands. 2021. Kessler RC, Crum RM, Warner LA, Nelson CB, Schulenberg J, Anthony JC. Lifetime co-occurrence of...
Dr. Strathdee acknowledges grant support from the National Institute on Drug Abuse (DA09225 and DA14499), as well as the Harold Simon Chair Foundation. Dr. Patterson acknowledges grant support from the National Institute on Drug Abuse (DA012116) and the National Institute on Mental Health (MH...
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Over the past decade, genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have evolved into a powerful tool to investigate genetic risk factors for human diseases via a hypothesis-free scan of the genome. The success of GWAS for psychiatric disorders and behavioral t
Grant BFCompton WMCrowley TJHasin DSHelzer JELi T-KRounsaville BJVolkow NDWoody GE Errors in assessing DSM-IV substance use disorders in Kessler et al [letter]. Arch Gen Psychiatry 2007;64379- 380ArticleGoogle ScholarCrossref 55. Hasin DSGrant BF The co-occurrence of DSM-IV alcohol abuse...
Although stress and adversity are largely universal experiences, people exposed to greater hardship are at increased risk for negative health consequences. Recent studies identify accelerated biological aging as a mechanism that could explain how trauma
The decrease in glutamatergic transmis- sion that we observed upon DynA application was similar to the effects that were reported in other brain regions (Crowley et al, 2016; Wagner et al, 1993). In the present study, OrxA and DynA modulated glutamate signaling in opposite directions, and ...
(2005). Working Together to Promote Academic Performance, Social and Emotional Learning, and Mental Health for All Children. New York, Columbia University. Google Scholar Jones, D. E., Greenberg, M., & Crowley, M. (2015). Early social-emotional functioning and public health: The ...
The ‘physical activity paradox’ advocates that leisure physical activity (PA) promotes health while high occupational PA impairs health. However, this paradox can be explained by methodological limitations of the previous studies—self-reported PA measures, insufficient adjustment for socioeconomic confoun...