Behavioral Health Center of Illinois, located in Springfield, IL, is dedicated to promoting health, education, well-being, and community in a personal, societal, and global context. They offer quality treatment from a holistic and integrative perspective, focusing on the individual needs of clients...
Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas. Google Scholar Tavormina, J. B., Kastner, L. S., Slater, P. M., & Watt, S. L. (1976). Chronically ill children: A psychologically and emotionally deviant population. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 4, 99–110. Article PubMed Google Scholar...
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Sapp, M. (2004). Cognitive-Behavioral Theories of Counseling: Traditional and Non-Traditional Approaches. Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas. Reviewed by V. K. Kumar, Ph.D., Dept. of Psychology, West Chester University of Pennsylvania, West Chester, PA...
Sedentary behaviour (sitting time) has becoming a very popular topic for research and translation since early studies on TV viewing in children in the 1980s. The most studied area for sedentary behaviour health outcomes has been adiposity in young people
Primary E18.5 Sprague Dawley rat cortical neurons (BrainBits; Springfield, IL, USA) were dissociated in papain (2 mg/ml; BrainBits, Springfield, IL, USA), according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Dissociated cells were resuspended in Neurobasal media (GIBCO; Waltham, MA, USA) supplemented ...
(, Institute for Resilient Regions, University of Southern Queensland, Springfield Central, Queensland 4300, Australia and Victoria University, Melbourne, VIC 8001 Australia; Aviroop Biswas (, Institute for Work and Health, 8th Floor, 481 ...
doi:10.1016/S0005-7894(76)80109-8ELSEVIERBehavior Therapy
This chapter summarizes a behavior analytic model of treatment for children with a variety of problems. The model has been evolving since 1967 at the Achievement Place Research Project in Lawrence, Kansas; the Bringing It All Back Home Study Center in Morganton, North Carolina; and at associated...
Executive functioning (EF) has been linked to chronic disease risk in children. Health behaviors are thought to partially explain this association. The cur