And, I am thrilled to avoid the daily review of the double behavioral charts of the first grader and the need to sign-off on the “smiley-face, frownie-face chart” (later converted to the “positive star chart”) as well as the green-yellow-red calendar square requiring my initials, n...
Comprehensive Sleep Charts & Sleep Guidelines for Infants Through Adolescents 9 Tips to Make Bedtime Easier: Getting Kids to Stop Fighting Sleep Surviving Your Child’s Sleep Regression(s) Scared of the Dark: How to Conquer Night Time Fears ...
While the changes to work from home reduces commute time and cost, it requires robust internet. People may also require more food, childcare and/or home schooling. To maintain privacy, people may need home improvements and/or temporary home changes. This affects small businesses dependent on peop...
Frequencies were illustrated with balloon charts. The strength of the relationship between categories in contingency tables was assessed using the contingency coefficient (C). Moreover, similarities between groups separated based on BMI status (overweight and normal weight) in relation to positive and ...