From behavioral observation to conflict resolution, the printables and articles below will help you manage classroom discipline. Read veteran teachers' tips and advice on establishing rules and incorporating effective behavior management strategies in your classroom. You'll find advice for handling ...
This paper examines an observation process and its challenges in behavior-based safety management. To address the challenges, we introduce a vision-based monitoring framework and investigate its usefulness through an experimental study. Based on the results, the contributions and limitations of the visio...
Jo, JanghyunYoo, HyobinPark, Suk‐InPark, Jun BeomYoon, SangmoonKim, MiyoungYi, Gyu‐ChulAdvanced MaterialsJo, J. et al. High-resolution observation of nucleation and growth behavior of nanomaterials using a graphene template. Adv. Mater. 26, 2011-2015 (2014)....
In both humans and animals, ongoing mPFC-amygdala communication has proven to be critical in the sustained experience of anxiety or safety. The ventromedial PFC (vmPFC) has been implicated in the emotional control via down-regulation of amygdala activity58. During the safety period in humans, ...
This observation was explained by the rapid formation of passivation layer due to the availability of more grain boundaries in a nanostructured Mg alloys (Birbilis et al. 2010). Furthermore, Bagherifard et al. (2018) carried out corrosion testing, fatigue testing and cytotoxicity evaluation of ...
Many cats like to collect information by observation, and they are very good at observational learning, so even if she chooses not to interact, the experience is of benefit to her. Note also that these cats are of different sizes and so likely to be of different ages. Early exposure is ...
The DAPI-based direct cell counting method confirmed this observation (Figure 4B). To further assess the metabolic activity of CB-MSC, a MTS assay was performed. Corresponding to proliferation behaviour seen with BrdU and DAPI counting, metabolic activity was significantly reduced within the first 3...
We selected for further study units with prominent random effects. Prominent random effects were defined as effects whose magnitude was greater than the standard deviation of the corresponding fixed effect. The logic behind this choice is based on the observation that for a unit that has a prominen...
This observation suggests that social life evolved in our lineage after the split with the gorillas some eight Mya (Figure 1). One would therefore expect that our social propensities are based largely on the use of the mood modules. The factors discussed above were presumably instrumental in ...
The first observation is that silicon can be hydrolyzed by water and this reaction is catalyzed by hydroxyl ions. At high pH values, the hydrolysis becomes dominant over the electrochemical mechanism responsible for the Si corrosion. The second observation is that at negative bias, the Si etching...