“One incident I will never forget is cremating my father. My brothers and I gently laid his blackened, swollen body atop a burnt beam in front of the factory where we found him dead and set him alight. His ankles jutted out awkwardly as the rest of his body was engulfed in flames. M...
Building a Writer's Library Vernon Press How Did England Get Its Bizarro Street Names? | Literary Hub UK Society of Authors Advises: Always Compare Contracts The Probable and the Personal: How I Grapple With Writing Violent Fiction ‹ CrimeReads The next chapter in the Google wars Royal Socie...
A second influence was the rise in Eastern Europe of a populist Kabbalism in the form of Chasidism, and its eventual decline into super- stition (in the eyes of its rationalist opponents), so that by the beginning of this century a Jewish writer was able to dismiss Kabbalah as an his-...
It was 7 minutes after midnight. The dog was lying on the grass in the middle of the lawn in front of Mrs Shears’ house. Its eyes were closed. It looked as if it was running on its side, the way dogs run when they think they’re chasing a cat in a dream. But the dog was n...
Cloud Atlas is described on Wikipedia as a "epic science fiction film" - I want to watch more of these. This movie has something for everyone. The Somni arc is a Jesus-like origin story and a romance plot in one. Halle Berry's arc is a mystery/reporter movie. Past-future story is ...