It is best to allow the veteran teacher to select the new teacher they wish to mentor. Assigning mentors to new teachers can sometimes backfire because there can be personality clash or perhaps the veteran teacher is not a “strong” educator. If mentors choose who they wish to work with, ...
These mentors work with new teachers sometimes as much as once a week in order to promote growth and provide support to the beginning teachers. In this transition year, the school system provides first year teachers with a fulltime, systemwide mentor. The second year teach...
While mentor teachers find the process of supporting beginners satisfying, they also appreciate receiving tangible benefits such as stipends, release time to work with beginning teachers, and program training. These rewards provide verification of the school division's valuing of the enterprise. An ...
The purpose of this qualitative interview study was to illuminate mentor and intern participants' relationships in one state-mandated beginning teacher internship program. We analyzed interview data from 29 mentors and interns using within- and cross-case analysis and generated categories and properties ...
they may have a timetable commitment that is less than the full one expected of experienced teachers and they may be assigned a mentor who will work with them to help them build upon what they have learned in their initial program. The usual emphasis here is to ensure that they are learni...
My mentor (导师) and I discussed my work-life balance early in my program, and we arrange our lab responsibilities accordingly.I set boundaries for myself in new ways: 'rather than doing lab work all weekend, I'd play football or the violin, or visit loved ones, before allowing myself...
is Coordinator of the Beginning Teacher Program at Eastern Illinois University in Charleston, conducting seminars for beginning teachers thoughout east central Illinois. She also teaches mentor training for veteran teachers who work with new teachers....
Residents' Perceptions of Usage of the Current Alumni and Attending Network for a Formal Mentorship Program in an Academic Affiliated Community Hospital Radiology Residency Mentor-mentee relationships within radiology residencies can add significant value to a resident's overall experience. Studies demonstrate...
Perceptions of Beginning Teachers and Mentor Teachers: Case Study of a Campus Mentor Program Attrition of teachers is a concern for leaders in education; teacher turnover is higher in education compared to many other occupations and professions, especially in the first years on the job (Ingersoll ...
Are you a strong manager and mentor who brings out the best in others? Which three career accomplishments am I most proud of? While the first question focuses on capabilities, this one is about how well you performed in those areas. Did you apply those sales and customer service skills to...