Over 50 “quickie” daily recipes ready in 15 minutes or less. 2 to 3 daily meals, snacks and drinks for every day. Weekly printer-friendly meal plans with food “themes” so no ingredients are wasted. Metric and standard weight for all ingredients and recipes. Comprehensive layout for ease...
Why do I scrapbook Could be something to do with the MOUNTAIN of stash I’ve bought over the years! LOL! Nope, because it’s a creative release for me and I suspect many others. It brings me a sense of achievement and fits completely with my other hobby of photography! Am looking ...
Her experiences during the summer of 1953 as a guest editor at Mademoiselle provided the basis for her novel, The Bell Jar. The November 2001 magazine was the final issue. Some of the 93 employees and features moved over to Glamour, also published by Condé Nast. Spokeswoman Maurie Perl ...