The article provides an insight into the origins of Latvian poetry published in the 16th century and the first half of the 17th century by relating it to its historical and socio-political processes in the Baltics, viz. the Reformation movement, the Livonian War and the recatholization. The ...
Charles opposes the Protestant Reformation in support for the Holy Roman Empire and the Roman Church, but his heart is wearied by conflict. When finally he recognizes the threat of the growing movement led by Martin Luther, he offers him safe passage to the Diet of Worms in 1521, in an ef...
There’s been an orchestrated effort for many years now to get me out of here because certain nefarious persons knew I was the tiger of the neighborhood who would put up a fight or resist their plan and if they got me to take their lousy offer to move or, in essence, get the hell ...
Hisansweris:HeiseitheraEuropean,orthedescendantofaEuropean,hencethatstrangemixtureofblood,whichyouwillfindinnoothercountry.Yourcompanyslogan MeltingPot Americahastraditionallybeenreferredtoasa“meltingpot”,welcomingpeoplefrommanydifferentcountries,races,andreligions,allhopingtofindfreedom,newopportunities,andabetterway...
For me, as for many Germans, this is a sign of the grace of God. Built between 1726 and 1743, the church was a monument of Lutheran baroque architecture. As Germany's largest Protestant church, it was a landmark in the city that is called the "Florence on the river Elbe." Less ...
In the second half of the century, contemporaries noted with surprise that in Russia, which had hardly any experience with the Reformation, significant Protestant groups were appearing. Usually, these groups emerged in areas where capitalism was most intensely developed: Novorossiia, the non-black ...