美 英 un.财政年度初 英汉 un. 1. 财政年度初
沪江词库精选beginning of the fiscal year是什么意思、英语单词推荐 财政年度初 相似短语 beginning of the fiscal year 财政年度初 beginning of year 岁首 fiscal year n.<美>财政年度 n.会计年度 the fiscal year 财政年度, 会计年度 the beginning of a year 年头 current fiscal year 本会计年度...
beginning of the fiscal year 财政年度初相关短语 revenue tariff (为财政收入而征收的关税) 岁入关税 财务公开 keep the public informed of the financial affairs transferor (权利或财产) 让渡人 waisting (初轧坯缺陷) 腰裂 deforcement (英国财产法) 强占 life interest (指非世袭的财产) 终身财产所有权 ...
At the beginning of the fiscal year, interest rates climbed ___ 3.2 percent, up half a point from the previous year. At the beginning of the fiscal year, interest rates climbed ___ 3. 2 percent, up half a point from the previous year.A.byB.inC.toD
'The beginning of the year' 表示一年最初的阶段,常指1月至3月左右,具体时间范围因语境而异。其核心在于强调“起点”和“新开始”,例如: Many companies set budgets at the beginning of the year.(许多公司会在年初制定预算。) 该短语可单独使用,也可搭配介词(如 at 或...
At the beginning of the fiscal year, departments submit budget proposals. (搭配周期性时间节点,体现正式语境中的时间定位功能) 语法注意点: 区分与'in the beginning'的差异:后者独立使用(如:In the beginning, I struggled with the course),而'at the beginning of'...
aGuest: ___,though I'd really love to stay.I've got to be up by six tomorrow morning,unfortunately. Thank you for a wonderful party.[translate] aFirms can apply for this credit at the beginning of the fiscal year. 企业可能申请这信用在财政年度初。[translate]...
Gain on Sale of Office Equipment 200 Totals $315,800 $315,800 What was the balance of Retained Earnings at the beginning of the fiscal year? Retained Earnings: Retained earnings account presents the accumulated undistributed income. The closing retained earnings account is adjusted ...
Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2003, requires DoD to suspend the regulation implementing the authority to enter into a contract for a price exceeding fair market cost if the Secretary determines at thebeginning of the Fiscal Yearthat DoD achieved the five percent goal established in 10 ...
At the beginning of the year' 是英语中描述时间的重要短语,通常指代一年中的初始阶段,用于具体说明事件、计划