The Communist Party of China stressed the power bulding during the armed struggle and the setting up the revolutionary base. In the Autumn Harvest Uprising,Liling became the first county seized by the first workers-peasants armed force. The Party took the lead in building the red power by sett...
Profile: Democratic Party is beginning to broaden its appeal to voters on abortion issues by embracing two anti-choice candidates for the SenateSTEVE INSKEEP
The Democratic Party thinks that as Hong Kong economy is beginning to recover, the public will not accept the proposed increase rate. 民主 黨認 為現時香港的經濟尚 在 復 甦的階段, 市民對此 次申請的加幅是不 能接受 的。 Since the beginning of the year, the...
I hope that this amendment can mark a good beginning, following which Dr LAW can induce his Democratic Party colleagues to keep abreast of the times and look more positively at a relationship of extensive policy co-operation [...] 經過這項修正, 我期望由羅議員帶動民主黨的同事...
These rights could be limited, as occurs in other nations, where this can be justified as part of living in a free and democratic society. This would mean that our elected representatives can continue to make decisions on behalf of the community about matters such as how best to balance ...
The concerns of high unemployment, inflation and cost of living are issues people talk about, but the dominant theme is the loss of Kashmir's distinctive character. The democratic process that suffered decades of conflict is slowly reviving. ...
Speech consists of a continuous stream of acoustic signals, yet humans can segment words and other constituents from each other with astonishing precision. The acoustic properties that support this process are not well understood and remain understudied
opposition against Wilson’s foreign policy culminated on September 19, 1919 when the American Senate refused to approve the Peace Treaty of Versailles. The Treaty was opposed especially by the so-calledimplacable isolationistswho, next to that, criticized the whole politics of the Democratic Party....
Speech consists of a continuous stream of acoustic signals, yet humans can segment words and other constituents from each other with astonishing precision. The acoustic properties that support this process are not well understood and remain understudied
I hope that this amendmentcanmarkagoodbeginning,following which Dr LAW can induce his Democratic Party colleagues to keep abreastofthetimes and look more positively at a relationship of extensive policy co-operation[...] ...