The collective wealth of America’s 651 billionaires has jumped by more than $1 trillion since roughly the beginning of theCOVID-19pandemic to a total of $4 trillion at market close on Monday, Dec. 7. Their wealth growth since March is more than the$908 billion in pandemic reliefproposed ...
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Like my trust in the Department of Health and Human Services after they knew about the heart-crippling effects of the COVID jab (and the curative effects of hydroxychloroquine), I have lost all trust in these folks. Cut them down beyond their foundations and start over again. … Despite wha...
“This is truly a remarkable achievement which was made possible by the Taiwan authorities’ swift and effective handling of the Covid-19 crisis and their foresight in resuming the tourism industry to benefit all the ports, the economy and the lifestyle of the people of Taiwan,” said Kent Z...
This is how fraudsters peddled counterfeit Covid tests and masks 03:43 See airline passengers throw away masks as mandate is revoked 02:54 Dr. Sanjay Gupta reacts to 'abrupt' end of mask mandate for travelers 03:36 London CNN Business — The fallout from the coronavirus pandemic has...