Title: Beginning of the End RevisitedAuthor: Hope1iz (Sorry, I didn't find theauthor's profile on AO3.) Cat2000(http://archiveofourown.org/users/Cat2000/profile)Translator: qmzsf @女巫来也 @Veronica清若 Fandom: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (TV)Category: GenRating: Teen And Up ...
Spring wind blows and blows; blows and sways the top of the tree branches 抖落一地愁 烦恼不再有 dou3 luo4 yi2 di4 chou2 fan2 nao3 bu2 zai4 you3 Shake off a ground of sorrow; there is no more troubles and worries 心跳的节奏 是无言的交流 xin1 tiao4 de5 jie2 zou4 shi4 wu2...
Ten years after, Reza Ghadiri and coworkers showed that the square-root law also applies to the kinetics of autocatalytic ligation of synthetically activated peptide fragments, one being electrophilic at its C-terminus (thioester), the other nucleophilic at its N-terminus (Cys thiol) through ...