Recommendations for swimming depend on what area is involved and what your range of pain free motion is for the shoulder. Most of the time you can keep up with the kickboard work; position of the kickboard during laps, such as out in front or tucked under chest, would depend on your sho...
Put on/ take off one’s swimming cap/goggles戴上/摘下泳帽/泳镜 Do warm-up exercises做热身运动 Practice with a kick board用浮板练习 Have a cramp in one’s foot/ leg脚/腿抽筋 Do freestyle/breaststroke /backstroke/butterfly自由泳/蛙泳/仰泳/蝶泳 A:你最喜欢哪种游泳方式? B:恩。我觉得自由...
x-rays, or MRI depending on the exam. Most likely you will be prescribed physical therapy. To get maximum benefit from therapy you should work with the therapist for several weeks to perfect your form with the exercises. You should also be doing a ...
An old college swimming teammate of mine from Notre Dame emailed me out of the blue yesterday. He had run across my email address while doing a Google search for somebody else. I hadn’t been in contact with him since the disastrous Ocho Cinco Fiesta Bowl of ’00 that was ND football’...