Your hopes of building a muscular chest like the men and women you see on isn't limited by your dreams. Most often, it's derailed by a poorly constructed routine that gets followed inconsistently. I'm going to fix that right now by giving you a pair of great mass-build...
Beginner Body Building Lesson #5: Back to taxing your muscles...most beginner body building injuries come from trying to lift too much weight for too long. Don't work out more than an hour a day five days a week. Go past that, and your workout's working against you. If you work e...
Majority of the powders on the market have a great nutrition profile and will fill in any gap you are lacking during the day. They can be used as snack or even as meal replacements. However, the main use for the protein powders should be for post-workout nutrition. You want to feed y...
but if not they are great exercises to add to your weekly routine. Once you build up yourstrength, and if your objectives are for bigger muscles (bodybuilding) then you can start concentrating on specific body parts.
Calisthenics Workout 1: Keep It Simple For this simple workout, just do as many reps as you can of each exercise. Rest 60 seconds and then repeat. Don’t worry if your rep count decreases set by set; that’s entirely normal and just shows that you are getting tired. ...
A common mistake a lot of beginners make is having a very restrictive diet. I still see a lot of new lifters picking up an old-school bodybuilding menu of chicken, rice, and broccoli – every meal, every day. Of course, restrictive so-called “bro diets” can work (as long as macron...
The Absolute Worst, Most Incredibly Terrible Workout I've Ever Witnessed In My Entire Life Another of the Worst, Most Horrifying Workouts I've Ever Witnessed 11 Things You Can Do In The Gym To Mess With People's Minds The Great Big List of Calorie-Free Foods Bodybuilding Supplements That ...
Best Beginner Workout Starter Packs - 2014 Holiday Fit Gift Guide
If it's your goal to build a big upper body, hit this workout three times a week: Monday, Wednesday and Friday. But don't forget to hit that lower body twice a week as well! That's what we'll cover next time. We hope we've been a bro and you're in the know. Until next ...