\begin{enumerate}[(1)] \item one \item two \item three \end{enumerate} 原因是[(1)]在enumitem非法。修改为如下即可 \begin{enumerate}[label=(\arabic*)] \benumitemegin{enumerate}[label=(\arabic*),noitemsep] \item one \item two \item three \end{enumerate} % noitemsep 的使用需要用到...
\item[*] 第一点 \item[+] 第二点 \item[.] 第三点 \end{itemize} \begin{enumerate} %有序列表 \item 第一点 \item 第二点 \end{enumerate} \begin{description} %描述 \item[item 1] 描述1 \item[item 2] 描述2 \end{description} 关于表格,也比较简单,可以用以下代码: \begin{table}[htbp]...
{GMT_win_install_3} \end{frame} \begin{frame}{Windows:安装} ``开始->附件->所有程序->命令提示符'' 以启动 cmd:\\ \centering \includegraphics[width=0.7\textwidth]{GMT_win_install_4} \end{frame} \subsection{Mac下的安装} \begin{frame}[fragile]{Mac: 安装} \begin{enumerate} \item 安装...
% % \begin{enumerate} % \item The function \code{format.url} is reworked to provide a % cleaner URL for digital object identifiers (DOIs). The % \code{merlin.mbs} definition would generate a DOI of the form % \begin{quote} % URL \texttt{http://dx.doi.org/\meta{doi}} % \end{...
当在序列中循环时,用 enumerate() 函数可以将索引位置和其对应的值同时取出 >>> for i, v in enumerate(['tic', 'tac', 'toe']): ... print(i, v) ... 0 tic 1 tac 2 toe 当同时在两个或更多序列中循环时,可以用 zip() 函数将其内元素一一匹配。 questions = ['name', 'quest', '...
\begin{enumerate}\itemFirst Item.\itemSecond Item.\end{enumerate} Here's how two types of list display in the output: 📘 We begin a section with\sectionand a paragraph with\paragraph. :orange_book: You can also add subsection with\subsectionand subparagraph with\subparagraph ...
\item etc. \end{enumerate} I want to insert such ERT code to my lists in LyX. LyX allows the user to add such argument to each item, but this is not the same thing. As I see it, if I want to introduce such a change to my lists inside LyX, I ...
NSTextLayoutEnumerateLineFragments NSTextLayoutOrientation NSTextList NSTextListMarkerFormats NSTextListMarkerFormatsExtensions NSTextListOptions NSTextMovement NSTextPredicate NSTextStorage NSTextStorage.Notifications NSTextStorageDelegate NSTextStorageDelegate_Extensions NSTextStorageEditActions NSTextStorageEditedFla...
\begin{enumerate}\itemFirst Item.\itemSecond Item.\end{enumerate} Here's how two types of list display in the output: Paragraph and section We begin a section with\sectionand a paragraph with\paragraph.You can also add subsection with\subsectionand subparagraph with\subparagraph ...
EnumerateResources( paths );if(paths.empty())throwException(L"language\\english.nlg file not found!"); Paths::const_iteratorit( paths.begin());for(Paths::const_iterator end(paths.end()); it != end; ++it) {if(it->File() ==L"english.nlg")break; ...