通过伪元素:before and :after 插入图标是非常流行的做法。因为我们可以给伪元素添加几乎任何CSS样式属性(常见的情况是:创建的伪元素是一个块并附加背景图像) 比如我们给出一段HTML代码 paragraph text 通过伪元素方式添加icon图标 p:before{content:"";display:block;background:url("icon.jpg")no-repeat;width:20...
通过伪元素:before and :after 插入图标是非常流行的做法。因为我们可以给伪元素添加几乎任何CSS样式属性(常见的情况是:创建的伪元素是一个块并附加背景图像) 比如我们给出一段HTML代码 paragraph text 通过伪元素方式添加icon图标 p:before { content: ""; display: block; background: url("icon.jpg") no-rep...
-- 3. 属性选择器可以选择属性值开头的某些元素 -->小图标1小图标2小图标3小图标4我是打酱油的<!-- 4. 属性选择器可以选择属性值结尾的某些元素 -->我是安其拉我是哥斯拉哪我是谁 测试如下: 5.CSS3新增结构伪类选择器 <!DOCTYPEhtml>
::before and ::after are great for adding decoration. Check out this heading with decorative lines.The HTML is just a single tag. Elegant Heading The double lines on either side are handled entirely in CSS. h1 { display: grid; grid-template-columns: minmax(50px, 1fr) auto minmax(50px...
class="image-with-text__media image-with-text__media--{{ section.settings.height }} global-media-settings {% if section.settings.image_before != blank and section.settings.image_after != blank %}media{% else %}image-with-text__media--placeholder placeholder{% endif %} {% if section....
The:beforeand:afterpseudo elements do exactly what they say they do, the reason you're seeing the same result is because you have an absolute position set on it, if you remove that the result will change and you will see the icon appear before and after the content inside the element. ...
It is very popular to use :before or :after for displaying an icon. Because you are able to add every CSS style property, you could make the newly created element a block one and attach background image. Again, we have the same markup paragraph text and the following CSS: p:before { ...
CSS伪类::before、::after中使用svg图标 之前用的 iconfont.css 可以设置伪类元素的字体为 iconfont ,然后给伪类的 content 属性值定义 iconfnt 的图标标识就能正常显示了。 但是最近精简代码我把 iconfnt.css 移除了,只保留了 iconfnt.js,这样之前css中用上面方法引用的图标失效了。
I mostly use :before and :after for icon fonts or more complex styling. But it can also be used to add content that isn’t really important to the meaning of the document. For example, at a certain screen size, I have the date format change. I use an :after element to add a comm...
As you’ve probably guessed, we’re going to use::beforefor the first quotation mark, and::afterfor the closing one. Now, we could simply call thecontentproperty on both and generate the marks in there. But, CSS has us covered withopen-quoteandclose-quotevalues. ...